Raga Name

My appeal to both Vocalist & Instrumentalist to announce the name of Raga, Kriti, Thala, Composer for each song, even if it is the over popular "Vathapi ganapathim" the Hamsadhvani raga keerthanai.(90% of rasikas know this).
The details can be announced after the alapana is over,so that the thrill of finding out the name of the raga can be retained.
This will help the first time rasika who is interested to listen & know more about our treasure called Carnatic Music.
It will help to retain such rasikas and increase the headcount in kutcheris.
Composer name is usually takes a backseat. Rasikas focus more on Ragams.
Composers like GNB,Tanjore S Kalyanaraman have not given their Mudras..So how will we know about their great contribution?
Instrumentalists must announce all the above details for the obvious reason.
Sri Mandolin Srinivas used to announce these details in his concerts.
Off Season concerts in Chennai have thin attendance, even for leading artists. I see often rasikas murmuring & enquiring name of the raga when the raga alapana starts and becoming restless, till some knowledgeable rasika share the name of the ragam.
This happens in online concerts via comments.
Organizers can request the artists to announce these information.
Some may oblige and soon it may become the New Norm.


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